4 Easy Steps to Younger Looking Skin
#1. Get Your H2O
Water should become your best friend – it’s good for you in so many ways, including helping your skin look more vibrant. Creating younger looking skin is all about making your cells happy, and water makes them happy. Not only will your skin feel better when you regularly drink water, but your digestive system will thank you as well. Instead of feeling bloated and having puffy skin from water retention, a regular routine of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day has been proven to improve your over all health, not just your skin!
#2. Catch Those Zzzzz’s
You also need to make sleep a priority if you want any shot in the anti-aging game. You need at least six hours per night, but eight is even better! Your cells need a chance to rejuvenate and soak in all the nutrition you’ve allowed your body to receive during the day, and you better give it to them. It’s not called beauty sleep for nothing.
#3. Watch What You Eat
Whatever foods you put into your body has a huge impact on what your skin looks like. Have you ever noticed how puffy your face looks after a night of fast food or a couple of drinks? And that’s just one night! Again, your goal is to make your cells happy by feeding them nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A lot of unsaturated fats, sugars, and processed food will not. Just be mindful to balance out the bad with the good.
#4. Mind Your Mood
You know what else makes your cells excited? When you are in a good mood. Not only does a smiling face always look younger than a frowning one, but also people who are depressed or unhappy are more likely to have dull skin. So do what you have to do to cheer yourself up – if that means being picky about whom you hang out with, then so be it! If that means you need to do yoga or meditate every day, then for goodness sake, put it on your schedule. If all else fails, taking a walk in the great outdoors is a surefire way to keep your spirits up (thank you, vitamin D!), just don’t forget your sunscreen.
The best part about all of these tips is that they will not only lead to healthier more beautiful looking skin, but they will also lend a hand in improving your overall health and well being. Now that’s a win-win situation!